Larry went to work last Thursday and Friday for a trial. Before he officially declared that he was ready to go back to work, he needed to see if he had the stamina for a day in the office, so he went in for those to days to get passwords reset, start sorting through e-mail, etc. He had almost 10,000 e-mails!!! (Last day of work was January 28 - 6 months = 10,000 messages.) The test run was successful, so he is
OFFICIALLY BACK TO WORK as of Monday, 7/24. WOOOOHOOOO! This week he is working 10-3 and after three days is very tired. He may need another week at part time, but the goal is to be full-time very soon.
Other than the continuing fatigue, everything else seems to be back to normal - or as normal as it can be after the surgery he had. All wounds are healed, taste buds are working normally, no complaints of offensive odors that no one else finds offensive, appetite is good. We will be in Cleveland for several appointments in mid-August - all routine follow-up appointments. I'm guessing we'll be on a 3 month schedule for the next year then appointments will be less frequent.
I'm not sure I have ever explained the surgery Larry had, so I'll give a brief explanation. The standard surgery to treat esophageal cancer is called "esophagectomy". Most of the esophagus is removed along with the top quarter of the stomach. The remaining portion of the stomach is pulled up to reattach to where the esophagus used to be - 2 to 3 inches below the base of the neck. So the stomach is now a tube, so can no longer hold and entire meal - so several small meals are recommended. Patients who have had both esophagectomy and open heart surgery say that esophagectomy was harder on them than the open heart. I am still amazed at how well Larry did following such a major surgery.
Enough for now. There probably won't be another entry until mid-August after the appointments.