Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sitting Up

Larry has been making steady progress all day.  For all he's been through, he looks pretty good.  Pain management seems to be better.  Respiratory therapy has been working with him.  With every visit he seems more alert.  He has recognized all visitors today, he knows that surgery went well, just confusion about what day it is.  I've been limiting my visits to just a few minutes every hour.  I want to give him every chance to sleep.  The nurse was planning on getting him up in a chair at 5:00.  She said it would take some time to get him situated with all the tubes.  I'm heading down there now to check his status.  The fact that they are getting him out of bed less than 24 hours after surgery is excellent progress.

Bill & Kelly (Larry's brother and niece) left for Chicago around noon today.  That left Mike, Stephen and I to spend some time together.  We hung out in the ICU waiting room, visiting Larry periodically.  Dave & Carol (Larry's other brother) arrived this afternoon.  After a short visit with Larry, they took the boys home.  They plan to stop in Huron for pizza.

After everyone left, I asked the concierge where to find the most comfortable lounge.  He sent me to the rooftop pavilion.  So here I am looking out toward downtown Cleveland.  I was up here yesterday for a few minutes while waiting for surgery.  See photo below from yesterday when the weather was better.  So the rooftop was quiet and relaxing until a yoga group started right next to me.  I am hearing things like "downward dog," "triangle," "cobra," "table," and "warrior."  Clearly, I'm not familiar with anything yoga related.  At least they have good background music - The Beatles.

This will be my last post of the day, unless there is significant news to share.  I'm expecting that after sitting up, he'll just want to sleep and the night will be quiet (as quiet as a hospital can be) and uneventful night.


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