Friday, April 29, 2011

Menu Please!

Larry and I were in Cleveland today for several appointments.  The first appointment was "the scope" - a camera down the throat to check the internal healing.  We were told everything looked good and more details would be provided at an afternoon appointment in the surgeon's office.  Other appointments were preparation for chemo/radiation treatment next week.  The last appointment of the day was with the surgeon's assistant. 

Permission was granted to start weaning off the feeding tube and start eating "real" food.  WOOOHOOO!!  The process takes 2 weeks to build up to a full diet.  The first three days are clear liquids in small quantities - not what I would call "real" food, but it's a start.  One ounce of clear liquid 6-8 times per day and he's supposed to sip slowly to make it last 30-60 minutes.  How do you possibly make one ounce of liquid last 30 minutes?  Since we got home Larry has enjoyed a very small amount of jello and chicken broth.  YUMMY!  Day 4-6 introduces pudding, yogurt and mashed potatoes.  Starting day 7, solid foods can start.  By the end of the two weeks, Larry should be taking in all calories by mouth and will be able to disconnect from the feeding tube.  The tube will not be removed until 2-3 weeks after that - docs want to make sure Larry is eating enough and having no complications before they take it out.

It was another day of good news!  We are grateful for the continued forward progress.



  1. Pat and Larry,

    Wonderful news! Bet you never thought jello could taste so good. We continue to think of you often and you are still in our prayers. Hope the next two weeks go smoothly. Take care and stay strong. Love, John and Terri

  2. The good news just continues to roll in! Congratulations!! Connor, Alexandra, and I are so very happy for all of you. We'll be thinking of you over the next few weeks as we have from the start. Continued best wishes. Beth, Alexandra, and Connor
